Monday, January 25, 2010

Something new I experienced (a new tuition lesson)

The incessant, high pitched ringing of the alarm clock woke me up from my deep sleep this morning as I slowly lumbered out of bed, nearly tripping on the door stopper as I approached the kitchen. The aroma of pancakes and French toast filled my nose as I grabbed a ceramic plate from the drawers and placed 2 pancakes on it, buttered them and slowly placed them piece by piece in my mouth, savouring each mouthful as if it were my last. After a total annihilation of about 6 such pancakes, I gulped down 2 glasses of milk as if they were water and proceeded to my bathroom where I took a hot shower as I normally do every morning. I always loved a good shower early in the morning. But even a sumptuous breakfast and spa-like shower could not take my mind off the unpleasant fact that I was starting a new tuition class (the only consolation was that it was nearby at Marine Parade. ) The thought loomed above me, threatening to put a gloom over my day.
In an almost mechanical way, I got changed into a jet black T-shirt and denim shorts, did a quick styling of my wavy hair with some gel and hair spray, and packed my bag with the things I assumed I would need at a tuition lesson (this was my first ever tuition lesson as I never before saw the need to actually sign up for it). I got into my father’s car and he drove me to my destination, probably to ensure that I did present myself for class, and not “accidentally” get lost en route.
Upon arrival I said goodbye to my father and told him the meeting point to pick me up after the lesson. Trudging slowly to the lift, I took out my phone to check if my friends had messaged me. As the huge lift descended, I got in, tapped the 8th floor button and waited for it to rise. As the lift stopped, I got out and entered the tuition centre. There was no one at the desk but I was already told my class was Class B so I looked out for it. Knowing I was already late, I knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to open it before I greeted him and entered. Making a quick sweep of the room, I saw about 10 students of different races all sitting at their seats, staring at me. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I quickly sat down at an empty seat and began intently listening to the teacher. It slowly became clear to me that the teacher was actually a very good one; his explanations were precise and comprehensible, his jokes witty and entertaining. He also took pains to re- explain concepts which I did not understand. As for the other students, they were friendly and accommodating in helping me with questions I found difficulty with.
By the time class ended, Mathematical formulae and quadratic equations danced dizzily in my head as I smiled, thanked the teacher and left. My view towards tuition classes had changed somewhat and I actually found myself looking forward to the next lesson. Hopefully this positive feeling lasts.

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Its all bout' me!

A simple man with life's simple pleasures.