Monday, January 25, 2010

An unexpected test.

Just after the national anthem ended, we all took our respective seats and listened intently to the principal as he delivered his usual Monday morning address through the PA system. After that we were subjected to a somewhat boring, peer-leader session conducted by our student leaders who informed us of a proposal we had to create to raise funds for charity. Instead of being engaged with the project at hand ( which most students were doing, and probably what I SHOULD have been doing) I was sauntering around the class, trying to figure out if I had completed all the homework which I had absent mindedly forgotten to do the day before.
Suddenly, the bell denoting the next period, Maths, rang shrilly, jolting me immediately out of my thoughts. The next thing I knew everyone was separating their tables into single files as I looked around, puzzled at what was happening.
“Eh what’s going on? Why is everyone moving the tables? I enquired aloud, directing my question at Irfan.
“Are you stupid? Didn’t you remember the class test on congruence and similarity? “he responded.
The words could not have hit me harder than if Irfan had struck my head with an anvil. I normally like surprises which come in the form of presents from my family but a surprise test was a totally different kettle of fish. Moreover, the grade I obtain would be counted towards the final marks for Maths at the end of the year. Panic started to rise in me like a tide but I tried to calm myself down, telling myself it would be alright as I had already studied the topic quite thoroughly. I couldn’t however, shake off my sense of doubt and uncertainty for certain concepts which was starting to seize control of me.
As the teacher distributed the papers, I stared at the questions and realized with indescribable relief that they weren’t that tough. (Fate had decided to be kind to me for a change). They had been covered in my tuition lesson ( as stated in my third blog ) and one of the questions was almost exactly what I had learnt in tuition class. How fortunate I was! Except for one part of the third question, I was confident I had answered all the questions correctly. As I handed up the papers, I beamed, knowing I had done well.
But as I reflect on the test, I realized that I should not leave things like that to chance and be more aware instead of upcoming tests and exams as they would affect my final grade and also, my subject combination at the end of Secondary 2. I have also made it a point to write down details about every test, homework assignment and other important notes in my diary. Now alI I have to do is work at remembering to refer to the diary. (Fate is fickle and changeable so it’s best not to depend on it too much).

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