Sunday, January 17, 2010

Something funny that happened the other day ( Assignment Post 1)

I leaned against the glass panel of the MRT train, my noise-reducing earphones plugged in making me oblivious to my surroundings. The loud, Metallica music blasted my ears – which were already attuned by now to heavy metal music - as I began to SMS my friends about that day’s soccer match that was cancelled due to inclement weather. As the train arrived at my stop, I instinctively alighted without even checking if it was the right stop while placing my phone back in my pocket and taking out my wallet to prepare my Ez-Link card to be tapped. It was all very mechanical. I then proceeded to descend the deserted staircase (as most people took the escalator) while staring blankly at the escalator beside me that was ascending. All kinds of people were ascending the escalator, especially teenagers decked-out for the night, including this grinning young man who seemed to be delighted about something. But they were all merely random faces to me- nothing special, no one special. Whilst I approached the machine to tap my Ez-Link allowing me to pass through as the red doors opened, like a passageway made for a king to walk through, I received a phone call . I whipped out my sleek silver mobile phone to see who it was. The word “Unknown” flashed on the screen.

“Hello, who’s this?”I spoke into the mouth piece a bit puzzled as to who it was

“It’s your brother you idiot! Didn’t you see me ascending the escalator just now? You stared right into my eyes and it was as if you didn’t notice me. I was smiling at you,” he told me, sounding a bit miffed.

Then suddenly it hit me that it was him that was on the escalator. Yes, the tall, muscular man in a jacket and slacks grinning like the Cheshire Cat. (He had just acquired a new cellphone number ). I slapped myself on the fore head for being so absent-minded.

“Oh that guy was YOU?” I asked in a stunned way.

“Yes you fool. Better catch the next cab home. See you tomorrow!” he said.

“Bye,” I responded still a bit dazed as to what happened.

I immediately hailed the first taxi I saw and headed home.

Now I as reflect on the incident, I feel it was really stupid of me to be so ignorant of my surroundings. I guess I should turn the music down a few notches. It’s always wise to be alert. Luckily it wasn’t anything serious that could have been a near-disaster.

Hope you guys like my first post:)

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Its all bout' me!

A simple man with life's simple pleasures.